- The process in which heterogeneous information systems are traditionally integrated in a bottom-up way, had some problems with this approach.
- The process in which heterogeneous information systems could ideally be integrated in a top-down way, to achieve more usable and scalable systems.
- A combined yo-yo approach to exploit the benefits of both strategies and to serve as a migration path from the traditional bottom-up approach towards an ideal top-down approach.
Semantic interoperability is necessary in this context to ensure that exchange of information makes sense - that the provider and requester of information have a common understanding of the "meaning" of the requested services and data.
Organizations face the challenging task of integrating their distributed organizational units, information systems, and business processes for improved operation and attainment of organizational goals. There is the difficulty of dealing with heterogeneous applications that use different formats (syntax) and apply different meanings (semantics) to the data. There is the difficulty of coordinating the workflow so as the disparate organizational units act as a harmonious whole. The broad scope of the enterprise integration problem precludes approaches that tackle the entire problem but rather requires approaches that address a limited but useful integration type. The various information integration types and how they are related to each other is poorly defined. The article presents an enterprise information integration framework that aims to coalesce parallel approaches towards integration so that the information integration problem can be better understood as a whole. The enterprise information integration framework defines four levels of the enterprise system to identify the obstacles and to define the information integration types encountered at each level. The framework is used to analyse the currently used technologies and promising technologies toward enterprise information integration. The analysis identifies general trends and gaps for further research.